Sara Blake Cheek: From Small-Town Mom to Global Entrepreneurial Sensation

Sara Blake Cheek: From Small-Town Mom to Global Entrepreneurial Sensation

Sara Blake Cheek, a remarkable entrepreneur, embodies resilience and innovation in her journey to success. Her story is a testament to her unwavering determination to overcome adversity and break stereotypes.

Sara’s unique path began during the challenging times of the Covid pandemic. With her salon shuttered due to restrictions and her husband facing a work-related injury, she found herself at a crossroads. However, she refused to be defeated. A mother of four, Sara embarked on a remarkable journey, transforming herself into a global brand.

What makes me unique is just that, I’m different,” Sara says.

From humble beginnings, with only $100 in hand, she ventured into entrepreneurship. Starting her salon was just the beginning of her quest to provide a better life for her children. 

But what truly sets Sara apart is her foray into uncharted territory – OnlyFans. This platform became a pivotal moment in her life, opening doors to opportunities she had never imagined.

I’ve never had it easy. I’ve worked incredibly hard to get to where my family and I are from food stamps to starting a salon with only $100. I’ve always tried to make a better life for my kids.” Sara expresses.

Through OnlyFans, Sara laid the foundation for her empire, allowing her to launch her own liquor company, Blake Moonshine. The brand offered unique and delicious moonshine flavors, like the Caramel Apple Delight, challenging conventions and offering a fresh perspective on this traditional spirit.

I consider OnlyFans one of the best things that ever happened for me and my family.” Sara shares.

Sara’s ambitions didn’t stop there. She diversified her endeavors, becoming an international cover model for Playboy and hosting pro wrestling events for MCW. Her reach extended globally as she traveled for modeling assignments and shared her insights on college football as a guest on ESPN radio.

But Sara’s journey wasn’t without its share of challenges. She had to navigate discrimination and judgment from those who couldn’t see beyond stereotypes. In her local community, she faced backlash for her OnlyFans presence, even leading to her exclusion from her children’s football organization and school. Despite these obstacles, Sara remained steadfast in her mission to challenge societal norms.

Girls like me, blonde with big breasts, are often shunned from society as dumb bimbos,” Sara comments.

She shattered preconceived notions about women who dared to be different. Sara is a living example of how women, regardless of appearance, can achieve greatness on their own terms. Her determination and resilience have taken her to the cover of Playboy, where she was named Australia’s Playmate for September, as well as earning recognition in FHM USA and other prestigious publications.

Throughout her career, Sara has triumphed over rejection and naysayers. She firmly believes in the power of mindset, emphasizing that it shapes how others perceive us and what we achieve. Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is simple but powerful: take action and don’t let others’ opinions deter you. Seek guidance from those who have walked the path you aspire to tread.

In Sara’s eyes, she has no competition. She is an original, unapologetically herself, and that sets her apart in all her endeavors, including her moonshine label, which she proudly labels as top shelf. Financial freedom, to her, means allowing her money to work for her, a testament to her entrepreneurial spirit.

Sara’s story is one of empowerment, breaking barriers, and redefining success. She advocates for accepting women who embrace their confidence and challenge conventions. She is proof that women can be mothers, wives, and powerful entrepreneurs simultaneously. Her mission is to inspire other women to be themselves, to pursue their dreams relentlessly, and to reshape society’s standards.

Sara’s philosophy on success is profound. To her, success means freedom – freedom from the opinions of others and financial freedom to pursue her dreams without constraint. Her projects for the year include expanding the reach of Blake Moonshine and continuing to defy expectations in every industry she ventures into.

In a world that often tries to dictate what women can or cannot do, Sara Blake Cheek stands as a beacon of empowerment, encouraging women to take control of their lives, their narratives, and their destinies.

Join Sara Blake Cheek on her extraordinary journey of empowerment and entrepreneurship. Be inspired to break stereotypes, embrace your uniqueness, and redefine success on your terms. Take the first step towards your own path to greatness. Dare to be different – start your journey today!