Alexander the Dream Was Bullied for His Love of Music, Singing, and Acting. Despite All of this, He is Reaching Incredible Heights due to His Talent and Passion.

Alexander the Dream Was Bullied for His Love of Music, Singing, and Acting. Despite All of this, He is Reaching Incredible Heights due to His Talent and Passion.

Music is a powerful connection that brings people together across even the harshest divides. It can be a way to express your feelings, enjoy a moment, or just a way to have fun. Singers get an incredible high off of singing and sharing their art. This is the case with Alexander Andres Espinoza, better known as Alexander the Dream.

From a young age, Alexander the Dream had a clear passion for music. He stood up and danced in front of a crowd before he was even two because he connected so much with the music that he was hearing. He knew, even from a young age, that music was going to be his path in life.

“Ever since I was little, I would sing everywhere and anywhere I went! I would even sing at Walmart and at every restaurant I would go to, and everyone would surround me and look up to me and clap! That’s when I found a love for the public. I was always fascinated with music. My Great grandpa, Ruben Torres, and my mom both saw the potential I had and showed me the meaning behind music and gave me a newfound love for opera,” Alexander the Dream recounts.

In addition to music, Alexander the Dream also loved acting. He tried out for musicals and would wow all of the crowd with his voice. When trying to decide what he wanted to pursue for a career, he immediately told his parents he wanted to continue on with his musical career. He went to competition after competition to try and get out there and share his voice.

“I auditioned for America’s Got Talent, American Idol, And The Voice! I was too late for some of them and my audition was no longer considered. I started to lose hope, but then I got a notification that I was accepted into “The Opening Act ” competition, where I beat out 23,000 people to enter. I am now having the opportunity to sing at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles California, and bring my message of hope and dreams to The people. I chose the name Alexander the Dream,” Alexander the Dream states.

Though Alexander the Dream had an incredible passion and talent for music and acting, his road was not one without bumps. Because of his love for both things, Alexander the Dream was constantly bullied growing up. It got so bad that he even considered suicide. Music helped him get through it, and he wanted to share that with any kid who feels the same way, but is scared to express themselves due to bullying.

“My biggest obstacle that I was able to overcome was fear, bullying, and abuse. All of those were stopping me from achieving my dream. I was filled with doubt, but I never listened to any of the people who said my dream wouldn’t come true. Never listen to anyone who says you can’t do this or that your dreams will never come true, or that your dreams are too big or almost impossible to reach. Get up, shake it off, and prove them wrong,” Alexander the Dream exclaims.

After getting over the doubt and naysaying and achieving his biggest dreams, Alexander the Dream has much more ahead for his future. This includes a new competition he is in where he has to choose between the competition or Producing an album with a professional music producer who has produced music for many A list artists. He details it below:

I’m currently in a competition called the opening act where when I win, I will be able to perform at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles California and open up for Audacious biggest concert of the year and sing along with industry superstars.”

To find out more about Alexander the Dream, check out his website here and check him out on youtube here. In addition, check out his music on spotify, apple music, and pandora and wherever you listen to your songs and look for his new album titled “Dreams Do Come True”.